Syafiii priest once said, "If Muslims think about the content of surah Al-Asr, necessarily (the guidelines) provide them". By following the Imam Syafei way of thinking, without due respect to him and the clergy, I would say something like, "If Muslims [Indonesia] think about the content of the Messenger of God that the word 'person on the Day of Resurrection would be questioned about how property acquired and how to use it ', "they provide the instructions necessary".
Thought to be the word of the Apostle is believed to build our awareness of the Hour. Awareness that any property acquired and incurred by us of how much will be held accountable in the hereafter. In turn, this awareness will be a barrier for us to make corruption and corrupt behavior. In that context, we can be said to have become a man who has a financial piety.
However, our awareness of the Hour which has built a time to waver or inconsistent, which may be caused by the peliknya and dilemma in seeking out treasures and benada. At this point, Allah Almighty made the pilgrimage as the pillars of Islam. Hajj obligation has side effects (side effect) in terms of strengthening our awareness of the Hour of property. Because the obligations of the pilgrimage in its implementation requires no small amount of property will encourage us to seek and collect and properly issued because the property will be used to fulfill the commandment of Allah, Most Holy. And this will be one factor of whether or not received our pilgrimage, because God will only accept the Hajj of a lawful livelihood.
Because maybe the obligations of the pilgrimage so far has not done is caused more by our attitude in the use of property is always wasteful and inefficient. So until whenever we're not going to be people who can afford it, because every property owned always been so alone, with no one excluded either by road or berinfaq saving in preparation for the implementation of the purposes of pilgrimage. Ability as a mandatory requirement by our pilgrims are expected to come without an invitation. Therefore, a street vendor do not wait a hundred vendors [restaurant], or a private employee who set minimum wage income [Minimum Wage], do not wait until earnings pegged tongue. Likewise with a business man can not wait for a large project. Chinese proverb says, "begins a thousand steps from one step". Start learning now than we spend whatever amount of income also studied diligently out zakat, infaq, and Sadaqah, because through charity rather than diminished our property even increased. With these two movements one time, God willing, the pilgrimage can be done. So that when his death, and the pilgrimage unfulfilled, intentions and efforts and concrete steps we've written as a man who had tried as much as possible in order to perform the pilgrimage. God Almighty. although he omniscient, but He Will not Know the size of money set aside by us, that He is the intention and know the business and the concrete steps that we do. That is what will make us respectable and dignified death.
Hajj obligations can be a trigger (triggers) for us to become a man who has a financial kesalehen personality. A devout financially, he was not only able to find the right property but also in property can act out correctly.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
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