Friday, July 17, 2009

Haji Mabrur and indicators

Haji Mabrur and indicators
A. Indicators As Pilgrimage
1. Motivation or intention Pilgrimage, sincere hope merely the pleasure of Allah SWT.

2. The process of implementation in accordance with the example of the Prophet worship. where the requirements, mandatory pillar (even circumcision) worship are met.

3. The cost for the service obtained by lawful means.

4. The impact of positive pilgrimage for the perpetrators, namely the change in the quality of behavior toward a better and more commendable.

B. Indicators After Pilgrimage
1. Dutifully carrying out what they're told by God, obedience to perform their prayers, pay zakat consistent, truly a family wa vegas mawaddah and mercy, always get along with fellow human beings, love for fellow creatures of Allah SWT.

2. Consequently leaving what is forbidden by God, especially the big sins, such as polytheism, usury, gambling, adultery, wine, corruption, murder, suicide, fighting, hurting someone else, superstition, heresy and so on.

3. Joy of compulsory worship, circumcision and other good deeds and trying to leave the makruh deeds and not useful.

4. Actively take part in the fighting, Islamic and stay istiqomah menda'wahkan and earnest in implementing amar ma'ruf ma'ruf way, do not nahi evil with evil ways.

5. Having admirable qualities and attitudes such as patience, gratitude, resignation, Tasamuh, forgiving, etc. tawadlu.

6. Ashamed to God for committing the act that banned him.

7. Spirit and truly in the increase and develop science, especially the Islamic sciences.

8. Work hard and diligently to meet the necessities of life himself, his family and in order to help others and try not to burden and complicate others.

9. Quick to repentance, if already made a mistake and sin, do not get used to proactively with sin, not sin and not show at home in any sinful activities.

10. Really take advantage of all the potential in him to help others and uphold the "Izzul Islam wal Muslimin".