Historically, the pilgrimage is the Shari'a lord brought by our Prophet Muhammad renew and connect the Prophet of Allah Ibrahim AS The cult pilgrim is required initially upon Muslims in year 6 AH, by revelation surah Ali Imran 97 that mean:
"And Allah obliges people to do the pilgrimage by visiting the synagogue of the House who is capable and powerful up to Him and who Kufr and liabilities haji disbelieve it, Allah is Rich, and not something else than berhajatkan all creatures".
In that year the Prophet. along approximately 1500 people have been left for Mecca to perform hajj Fardhu but can not do it because it was blocked by the Quraysh eventually arise a treaty called Hudaibiah agreement.
The agreement opens the way for the development of Islam in which the following year (Year 7 Hijrah), Allah has been working together Umrah 2000 the Muslims. In the year 9 AH Hajj before the service can be done in which the Prophet. directing Saidina Abu-Bakr Al Siddiq chaired the 300 people on the pilgrimage of Muslims.
Muhammad Fardhu perform hajj only once during his life. Hajj is called "Hijjatul Farewell / Hijjatul Balagh / Hijjatul Islamic or Wal Kamal Hijjatuttamam because after the pilgrimage was not long after he had died. Madinatul He left Munawwarah on Saturday, 25 Zulkaedah year 10 Hijrah with his wife and friends about More than 90,000 people.
He has perfected the terms of circumcision Ihram, and intend to wear ihram ihram in Zulhulaifah, now known by the name of Bir Ali, 10 km than Medina and Mecca, he reached on 04 Zulhijjah after a 9 day trip. He went to Mina on 08 Zulhijjah and lodged there.
Then to Arafat to berwukuf on 09 Zulhijjah which fall on Friday. Messenger has perfected all the pillars and obligatory hajj until February 13 Zulhijjah. And on 14 Zulhijjah, the Prophet had set out to leave Makkah Al-Mukarramah returned to Medina Al-Munawwarah.
During HIJJATUL EVENT Farewell
Standing in the period there were several important events to hold and guide the Muslim community, between is as follows:
1. Messenger drinking milk on a camel to be seen by the crowds Wordpress that day not a day of fasting or not fasting on the day of circumcision Standing.
2. A friend fell from the animal tunganggannya then died, the Messenger of Allah. ordered that the body dikafankan with ihram cloth 2 and is not justified or closed head diwangikan body and kafannya. Word on the King's Wordpress "Friends will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection in the state of Ihram and Talbiah".
3. Messenger. an expert to answer problems that bertanyakan Najdi "Is that Hajj?". His saying that meant "Hajj was stopped at Arafat". Who arrived at Arafat before dawn rose 10 Zulhijjah then he has conducted the pilgrimage.
4. Revelation of the holy verses of Al-Karim Quranul surah Al-Maidah meaning:
"On this day I have perfected for you your religion and I have both ends meet up nikmatku you and I have Redha Islam is a religion for us"
Rather than a brief history and events that look how Allah has perfected the sacrifice He pilgrimage with friends who went from Madinah Al-Munawwarah to Makkah Al-Mukarramah for 9 days compared to now when we boarded the aircraft had reached the Holy Land less than 11 watch. These things we need to ponder if we face any hardship in the future the Holy land.
So far the only known common people rose Haji, I myself did not know if there are several ways to go on pilgrimage once I Manasik Hajj.
There are 3 types of Hajj, the implementation procedures are as follows:
1. Haji Tammatu '
Haji tammatu 'Umrah is done prior to the pilgrimage season, and then perform the pilgrimage, and then perform the pilgrimage. When you take this way, he is obliged to pay the drafts stabbed (in the form of slaughter a goat, if not able to fast for 10 days, ie 3 days in Mina and Mecca or 7 days in the country), if the 3-day fasting in unenforceable because something things, it must diqadha home when he got to the provisions of the three-day fast with a seven-day 4-day separated.
2. Haji Ifrad
That the purpose of Hajj is the pilgrimage ifrad course. As for who will be obligatory or sunnah umrah, then after completing Hajj, can perform Umrah with miqat from Tan'im, Ji'ranah or other lawful land area. This method is not subject to drafts.
3. Hajj Qiran
Qiran Hajj is Hajj and Umrah working in one faith and one job at once. This is also obliged to pay the drafts stabbed. Implementation of the dam with the Hajj Tamattu
To understand more deeply, we are encouraged to follow Manasik first. Do Manasik Haji complete, you should not skip, even if you feel you've read dozens of pilgrimage guide. In Manasik uztad usually added detail matters, which need little attention but is not written in detail dibuku-books, such things cancel the pilgrimage.
Also in the event Manasik you can ask things that you are less understood. Hajj is a worship that has a lot of the parts of worship, each of which has its own detailed rules so that the overall implementation of the rules of hajj is complex. Thus you will have one or two things that can not immediately understand, ask at the meeting.
Because of this vast and complex, as well as other religious rituals in Islam, led to some variation of interpretation and implementation of one faction or sect or group with others. Example is the implementation of ihram intentions, there is a take miqot from King Abdul Aziz airport in Jeddah (as practiced by my group), there is the way in the plane parallel to the Qarnul Manazil. For believers in the final implementation of this makes them have to use ihram clothes on a plane before or even near Jidda from the Soekarno Hatta airport. Some are using this rule as the basis for selection of pilgrims will join the group which (either regular or plus).
nabawiMIQAT mosque
Miqat literally means the boundary line or lines of demarcation between the allowed or not, or start or stop commands, ie when starting melapazkan intent and purpose of crossing the boundary between the Common Land of the Holy Land. When entering the Holy Land that's all dressed in Ihram should jama'ah and knocked on the door guarded by border inhabitants - inhabitants of Paradise. Tap the door or greeting that is to say, and state talbiyah Ihram dress. Miqat which began with the use of Ihram clothing must be done before crossing boundaries - boundaries that meant. Miqat divided into two types namely; Miqat Zamani (time limit) and Miqat Makami (lay of the land boundary).
MIQAT Zamani
miqot1Adalah Miqat maps associated with the time limit, ie when or on what date and month of Hajj is the count?. Zamani Miqat mentioned in the Qur'an in surah Al-Baqarah verse 189 and 197. The first paragraph explains the position of the crescent moon as a sign of time for mankind and for jama'ah Miqat pilgrimage. The second paragraph confirms, that is the Moon - Moon Hajj or pilgrimage time is given a few months. The scholars agreed that the month of Ramadhan is the month, Zulkaidah and Dhul-Hijjah. Ie starting from the date syawal 1 s / d 10 Dhul-Hijjah. the total is 69 days. but for the month of Dhul-Hijjah there was a difference of opinion whether all or part of it.
MIQAT Makani
Miqat is based on a map or geographical boundary, where one must begin using Ihram clothing to cross borders holy land and intend to perform Hajj or Umrah Worship.
There are 5 places for Miqot coming from outside Saudi Arabia:
Zil-Hulaifa (Dhul Hulaifah): Zul is the straw Hulaifah people of Medina, a source of drinking water is now the Children Jasyum called by Abar (Beer) Ali. This is the most miqot far, about 450 Km. from Mecca. Camels this distance in nine days of travel at the speed of 50 km per day or 4 Km / hr. This distance is called "one marhalah".
Juhfah: Miqot for people who come from the direction of Egypt, Syria or the surrounding area, jakarnya about 180 Km west of the city of Mecca.
Qarn al-Manazil (Qarnul Manazil): It is a mountain in Arafat Musyrif. This mountain is said Qarnul Manazil, Taif miqot residents and anyone who comes through it.
Substance IRQ: Zatu Irqin named because there are mountains surrounding the valley IRQ named valley Aqiq. This valley is the location of the township which lies two marhalah (900 Km) from Mecca. This does not include straw straw called the hadith the Messenger of Allah, but it was agreed by the scholars.
Yalamlam: It is the name of a mountain of mountains Tuhamah located approximately two marhalah from Mecca. This miqot people of Yemen.
Tan'im: Located around the road to Medina, about six Km. from Mecca.
Nakhlah Wadi: Located in the North East in the direction of Iraq, about 14 Km. from Mecca.
Ji `domains: Located in the east about 16 Km. from Mecca.
Adhah: Located around the way to Yemen, about 12 Km. from Mecca.
Hudaibiah: Located in the west, the road to Jeddah. Now called the Syamaisi about 15 Km. from Mecca.
The recommended readings continuously dilapazkan accordance with their abilities - each jama'ah, began after Ihram from Miqat and stop reading when they are starting Talbiyah tawaf to worship Tahallul Umrah or after the beginning of the Pilgrimage. The text is as follows Talbiyah.
"Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaik Laa syarikka laka labbaik, Innal haamda wanni'mata laka wal mulk Laa syariika laka."
"I came to meet the summons O God, I came to meet the summons, No ally for him, Oh Allah I meet summons. Verily all praise and glory for You only. The whole kingdom for You. There is no ally to You"
Circumcision Talbiyah law, except according to Maliki, it looked Mashab mandatory. while according to Hanafi, judged as the requirements, so who's left obligated to pay Talbiyah Dam. Talbiyah should be recited during jama'ah still in a state of Ihram.
Talbiyah circumcised also be read as the entourage passed by another jama'ah or when undergoing a change of circumstances, such as when going up or down from the mountains / hills, up or down from the vehicle, meet friends or after prayers. For circumcised men Talbiyahnya Raising his voice, while for women just to hear themselves and who was at her side. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet which says:
"Gabriel has come to me, and he said: O Muhammad! Tell a friend - your best friend to her voice Talbiyahnya, because he was one of syi'ar Haji" (Hadis.Riwayat: Ahmad and Ibn Majah)
Religious pilgrimage is a costly both in terms of cost and time, so of course we should not waste this opportunity. But much like other human endeavor, the end result is always also influenced by the decision of God. Niatkanlah to achieve the best, ask Him to be the ease in studying the pilgrimage, and the last is the truth we need to entrust the execution and accepted or not worship it into the hands of God. Do not panic, anger, fear too much that we worship one or there may not be acceptable to God. Resignation may be the most appropriate word to overcome them.
Pilgrim candidates will face a winter in Saudi Arabia in the period 1997 - 2014, which resulted not good at physical and mental condition of prospective pilgrims. Winter in Saudi Arabia started in October and reached its peak in December-January and ends in March.
This winter begins with the wind accompanied by dust storms which resulted in peak temperature in the city of Mecca and Medina can reach 2 degrees Celsius. Summer starts in April and will reach its peak in July-August. Daytime temperatures can reach 55 degrees Celsius accompanied by hot winds.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Changes After the Hajj Praise be to God who has chosen as well as pilgrim guests.
This is a gift of God is very big, where millions of Muslims who want to come to the holy land pilgrimage but still have not got permission from God, there were obstacles that come. The congregation has been getting all the ease of God so that they can complete the entire Manasik Umrah pilgrims from the start until tawaf Farewell, may God as a pilgrim who recorded mabrur forgiven us our sins and to pilgrims given protection and safety on the way back to their homeland, amen!
The scholars we mention the signs that mabrur pilgrims, including Imam Hasan al-Basri, vol saying: (a mabrur Hajj is that she came home from the pilgrimage became a zuhud in the world and love the life hereafter). Allah says which means: "And look for (the reward) in the Hereafter by what God has given to you, but do not forget your share in the world". (Surat al-Qasas: 77)
People who zuhud not mean people who only worship in the mosque and did not want to work for a living treasure for children and wife but people who do not zuhud enslaved by his wealth, the world may be in his hands not in his heart, its activity in the life of the world does not remember melalaikannya to God, prayers five times that in time, not decided
Hospitality, remain diligent study and practice Islam and mendaâwahkannya, do not forget the responsibility to educate his wife and children. People who zuhud people whose income is from a legitimate, not from the results renten, usury, bribery, corruption, stealing, gambling, Pungli, blackmail, cheat, consuming rights of others. May God grant us all the lawful sustenance, good and blessing and
excluded from any unlawful income, amen!
Anything else said pilgrimage among the mabrur sign is after returning from pilgrimage, he became better than before. Be better in terms of unity. If there is among pilgrims before the Hajj is like going to a herbalist to get wealth, children, partner, rapidly promoted and other pilgrims then after we repent to God and let
we leave it because the Prophet SAW said that means, "Whoever went to a fortune-teller or a shaman and justify what he said, is a kaafir to what has been revealed to Muhammad". (Narrated by Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, dishahihkan by Al-Albani in al-Irwa `no. 2006)
Any person who, before he hajj, like slaughtering a cow or another to serve as tumbal or offerings will now have to leave and slaughtering sacrifice to God only because God says what means: "So establish regular prayer for Rabbmu and berkorbanlah" (Surat Al-Kauthar 2) " Say prayers indeed, sesembelihanku, life and death for
God Rabbul Alamin no partner for him "(Surat al-An'am: 162)
Any person who before he hajj,  still believes horoscope then leave and put your trust in God alone. Any person who before Hajj masih mengkeramatkan kris and amulets, so now musnahkanlah all our amulets. Any person who before the Hajj still meruwat earth to avoid a disaster, so now repent and leave the ceremony
shirk it, bergantunglah to God because that could avoid disaster only God alone. Any person who before the Hajj is still cow mengkeramatkan issued every tenth of Muharram even scrambling to get stools that are considered to give a blessing, then know it is an act of shirk. Any person who before the Hajj still believe that bad luck
would happen to him if traveling on Tuesday or Saturday is to determine the time of marriage should be carefully calculated because if you do not fit the day will cause bad luck, then it is shirk. God does not forgive sins except shirk
if it did repent, Allah is the Recipient repentance. God forbid a paradise for those who do shirk. The
those who believe and confuse not mix their faith with them to get kesyirikan the security and guidance of Allah.
Let the repair pilgrims worship to God, praying five times should not be abandoned, charity and the Maal should be issued in the month of Ramadan shaum must be run. All the worship we conducted with the full sense of the love of God
who have given us countless blessings. We are ready to sacrifice wealth, our time and energy in order to reach the pleasure of Allah.
Let's fix our muamalah with parents who have given birth and educate us since childhood. Do not let us hurt them and should always serve and treat them with the best .. If our parents had died, let us always pray for them.
For the husband should improve muamalah with his wife do not easily upset and yelled his wife, if done wrong. Do the things that please the wife do not conflict with the Shari'a. Educate wife with advice, take it to the tribunal taâlim, bought books and tapes useful lecture. Educate also provide exemplary wife with the Prophet Muhammad
He said: "The best of you is the best to his family and I are the best amongst you to my family".
To fix muamalah wives with husbands who became obedient wife ..
Rasulullah SAW said: "If the woman is five-time prayers, fasting in the month of Ramadan, obedient to her husband and guard their chastity, then he go to Heaven from the doors wherever he wants".
Obedience to their husbands in the kindness just as for disobedience in this case there is no obedience to the creature in disobedience to God Al-Khaliq. When the new husband comes from work should not be greeted with a variety of problems and things that are unpleasant but welcome with a smile, Take food and drink and leave him to rest once only then tell all the problems that have undoubtedly husband was more ready to listen.
For parents fix the education of children, their future is the message which we will be asked to account at the end of the day. Educate them with a good example, they sekolahkanlah in a good place, watch their interaction. Always pray to God to protect and preserve them from all evil and bad because the parents prayer for their children, God willing, efficacious.
For the Muslim fix in terms of dress, you cover your private parts and not disclosed to the man who is not mahram. He said: "O Prophet, say to the wife-wives, daughters, and wives who believe, (that they should head out to the whole of their bodies). That is so much easier for them known, so they do not
disturbed. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful ". (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
"Say to the believing women, let their gaze and guard their chastity, and let them show her jewelry, except that (usually) seen from him. And let them put a veil of cloth to her chest,
and do not show adornment except to their husbands or their fathers, their husbands or fathers, or their sons, or sons of their husbands, or their brothers, their men, or sons of brothers they , or the sons of their sisters, or Islamic women or slaves they owned, or the servants of men who have no desire (for women) or children who do not understand about her private parts. And let them not strike his foot to be known that they hide jewelry. And you all should repent to Allah, O men who believe that ye may prosper ". (Surat An-Nur: 31)
Rasulullah SAW said: "There are two groups of the population of hell that I had never seen them (before this), (first), a people who have whips like the cows he used to beat men and (two) women who dressed but naked walking berlenggak swing , their heads like a camel's hump, they do not go to heaven and not smell the smell of heaven heaven if it smelt of distance away so and so ". (Hadith Sahih, Muslim History) There are many women among the pilgrims dressed but naked, yet perfectly close the shame, there are still visible around her neck, her arms visible, close the private parts with tight clothing, forming a hollow body lekak, dressed with a thin material and transparent so that skin looks, in fact they were still naked and threatened not go to heaven.
Let the women pilgrims became aware after crying and begging God's forgiveness at the time wuquf at Arafat, if we repeat our sins?
Let the women pilgrims became a model for the Muslim in this country who are affected by morality and moral decadence, Educate our daughters to Muslim dress, nasehatilah them not out of the house with shorts, pants pants even more strict and stomach looks, innaalillahi wa innaa ilaihi rajiuun. Let the pilgrim dress up and primp women beautify themselves, but for whom? Not for the people outside the home but for her husband at home, the fact
that there are many of the Muslim dress when out of the house is forbidden by God when we love, God says: "And let you (the Prophet's wives) stay in your house and do not dress smartly and behave like a pagan people who
old. (Surat al-Ahzab: 33)
This paragraph applies also to all the Muslim and mukminah.
Rasulullah SAW said that a woman who went out of the house by using a perfume that smells of other men, verily he is a whore. Every day we pray for guidance to God, then it becomes obligatory for us to learn the streets of the guidance in the form of knowledge useful because many of the streets of the guidance that we have not known
than we already know. Do we think this is a new thing we heard, we are familiar with our customs and other excuses are not acceptable by the Shari'a. Allah says: "And when it is said unto them: Follow what Allah hath revealed they answered: No, but we just follow what we found from the (act) of our ancestors.
(Are they going to follow, too), although their ancestors did not know any one, and not guided? "(Surat al-Baqara: 170)
And His word: "And it is not permissible for a man in faith and not (also) for a believing woman, when Allah and the Messenger has determined a statute, there will be a choice for them (the other) about their affair. And whosoever disobeys Allah and the Messenger he is indeed false, false manifest. (Surat al-Ahzab: 36)
The scholars we mention the signs that mabrur pilgrims, including Imam Hasan al-Basri, vol saying: (a mabrur Hajj is that she came home from the pilgrimage became a zuhud in the world and love the life hereafter). Allah says which means: "And look for (the reward) in the Hereafter by what God has given to you, but do not forget your share in the world". (Surat al-Qasas: 77)
People who zuhud not mean people who only worship in the mosque and did not want to work for a living treasure for children and wife but people who do not zuhud enslaved by his wealth, the world may be in his hands not in his heart, its activity in the life of the world does not remember melalaikannya to God, prayers five times that in time, not decided
Hospitality, remain diligent study and practice Islam and mendaâwahkannya, do not forget the responsibility to educate his wife and children. People who zuhud people whose income is from a legitimate, not from the results renten, usury, bribery, corruption, stealing, gambling, Pungli, blackmail, cheat, consuming rights of others. May God grant us all the lawful sustenance, good and blessing and
excluded from any unlawful income, amen!
Anything else said pilgrimage among the mabrur sign is after returning from pilgrimage, he became better than before. Be better in terms of unity. If there is among pilgrims before the Hajj is like going to a herbalist to get wealth, children, partner, rapidly promoted and other pilgrims then after we repent to God and let
we leave it because the Prophet SAW said that means, "Whoever went to a fortune-teller or a shaman and justify what he said, is a kaafir to what has been revealed to Muhammad". (Narrated by Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, dishahihkan by Al-Albani in al-Irwa `no. 2006)
Any person who, before he hajj, like slaughtering a cow or another to serve as tumbal or offerings will now have to leave and slaughtering sacrifice to God only because God says what means: "So establish regular prayer for Rabbmu and berkorbanlah" (Surat Al-Kauthar 2) " Say prayers indeed, sesembelihanku, life and death for
God Rabbul Alamin no partner for him "(Surat al-An'am: 162)
Any person who before he hajj,  still believes horoscope then leave and put your trust in God alone. Any person who before Hajj masih mengkeramatkan kris and amulets, so now musnahkanlah all our amulets. Any person who before the Hajj still meruwat earth to avoid a disaster, so now repent and leave the ceremony
shirk it, bergantunglah to God because that could avoid disaster only God alone. Any person who before the Hajj is still cow mengkeramatkan issued every tenth of Muharram even scrambling to get stools that are considered to give a blessing, then know it is an act of shirk. Any person who before the Hajj still believe that bad luck
would happen to him if traveling on Tuesday or Saturday is to determine the time of marriage should be carefully calculated because if you do not fit the day will cause bad luck, then it is shirk. God does not forgive sins except shirk
if it did repent, Allah is the Recipient repentance. God forbid a paradise for those who do shirk. The
those who believe and confuse not mix their faith with them to get kesyirikan the security and guidance of Allah.
Let the repair pilgrims worship to God, praying five times should not be abandoned, charity and the Maal should be issued in the month of Ramadan shaum must be run. All the worship we conducted with the full sense of the love of God
who have given us countless blessings. We are ready to sacrifice wealth, our time and energy in order to reach the pleasure of Allah.
Let's fix our muamalah with parents who have given birth and educate us since childhood. Do not let us hurt them and should always serve and treat them with the best .. If our parents had died, let us always pray for them.
For the husband should improve muamalah with his wife do not easily upset and yelled his wife, if done wrong. Do the things that please the wife do not conflict with the Shari'a. Educate wife with advice, take it to the tribunal taâlim, bought books and tapes useful lecture. Educate also provide exemplary wife with the Prophet Muhammad
He said: "The best of you is the best to his family and I are the best amongst you to my family".
To fix muamalah wives with husbands who became obedient wife ..
Rasulullah SAW said: "If the woman is five-time prayers, fasting in the month of Ramadan, obedient to her husband and guard their chastity, then he go to Heaven from the doors wherever he wants".
Obedience to their husbands in the kindness just as for disobedience in this case there is no obedience to the creature in disobedience to God Al-Khaliq. When the new husband comes from work should not be greeted with a variety of problems and things that are unpleasant but welcome with a smile, Take food and drink and leave him to rest once only then tell all the problems that have undoubtedly husband was more ready to listen.
For parents fix the education of children, their future is the message which we will be asked to account at the end of the day. Educate them with a good example, they sekolahkanlah in a good place, watch their interaction. Always pray to God to protect and preserve them from all evil and bad because the parents prayer for their children, God willing, efficacious.
For the Muslim fix in terms of dress, you cover your private parts and not disclosed to the man who is not mahram. He said: "O Prophet, say to the wife-wives, daughters, and wives who believe, (that they should head out to the whole of their bodies). That is so much easier for them known, so they do not
disturbed. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful ". (Surat al-Ahzab: 59)
"Say to the believing women, let their gaze and guard their chastity, and let them show her jewelry, except that (usually) seen from him. And let them put a veil of cloth to her chest,
and do not show adornment except to their husbands or their fathers, their husbands or fathers, or their sons, or sons of their husbands, or their brothers, their men, or sons of brothers they , or the sons of their sisters, or Islamic women or slaves they owned, or the servants of men who have no desire (for women) or children who do not understand about her private parts. And let them not strike his foot to be known that they hide jewelry. And you all should repent to Allah, O men who believe that ye may prosper ". (Surat An-Nur: 31)
Rasulullah SAW said: "There are two groups of the population of hell that I had never seen them (before this), (first), a people who have whips like the cows he used to beat men and (two) women who dressed but naked walking berlenggak swing , their heads like a camel's hump, they do not go to heaven and not smell the smell of heaven heaven if it smelt of distance away so and so ". (Hadith Sahih, Muslim History) There are many women among the pilgrims dressed but naked, yet perfectly close the shame, there are still visible around her neck, her arms visible, close the private parts with tight clothing, forming a hollow body lekak, dressed with a thin material and transparent so that skin looks, in fact they were still naked and threatened not go to heaven.
Let the women pilgrims became aware after crying and begging God's forgiveness at the time wuquf at Arafat, if we repeat our sins?
Let the women pilgrims became a model for the Muslim in this country who are affected by morality and moral decadence, Educate our daughters to Muslim dress, nasehatilah them not out of the house with shorts, pants pants even more strict and stomach looks, innaalillahi wa innaa ilaihi rajiuun. Let the pilgrim dress up and primp women beautify themselves, but for whom? Not for the people outside the home but for her husband at home, the fact
that there are many of the Muslim dress when out of the house is forbidden by God when we love, God says: "And let you (the Prophet's wives) stay in your house and do not dress smartly and behave like a pagan people who
old. (Surat al-Ahzab: 33)
This paragraph applies also to all the Muslim and mukminah.
Rasulullah SAW said that a woman who went out of the house by using a perfume that smells of other men, verily he is a whore. Every day we pray for guidance to God, then it becomes obligatory for us to learn the streets of the guidance in the form of knowledge useful because many of the streets of the guidance that we have not known
than we already know. Do we think this is a new thing we heard, we are familiar with our customs and other excuses are not acceptable by the Shari'a. Allah says: "And when it is said unto them: Follow what Allah hath revealed they answered: No, but we just follow what we found from the (act) of our ancestors.
(Are they going to follow, too), although their ancestors did not know any one, and not guided? "(Surat al-Baqara: 170)
And His word: "And it is not permissible for a man in faith and not (also) for a believing woman, when Allah and the Messenger has determined a statute, there will be a choice for them (the other) about their affair. And whosoever disobeys Allah and the Messenger he is indeed false, false manifest. (Surat al-Ahzab: 36)
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