Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mean of HAJJ

Terms, Pillars, and the Obligation of Hajj
Terms Hajj

1. Islam
2. Puberty
3. Adult
4. Ingenious
5. Sane
6. A free (not slaves)
7. Able, both in terms of cost, health, safety, and provide for families left behind pilgrimage

Pillars of Hajj

Five Pillars of Hajj is the deeds that must be done in the haj. Tsb Hajj Pillars are:

1. Ihram
2. Standing at Arafat
3. Tawaf ifâdah
4. Sa'i
5. Shaving the hair on the head or cutting part
6. Order

Five Pillars of Hajj should be done they will be sequential and comprehensive. If one left, then the Hajj is not valid.
Compulsory Hajj

1. Starting Ihram from mîqât (limit time and place determined to perform Hajj or 'Umrah)
2. Throwing jumrah
3. Mabit (stay) at Mudzdalifah, Mecca
4. Mabit in Mina
5. Farewell Tawaf '(taw separation)

If one of the obligatory pilgrimage was abandoned, then the Hajj remains valid, but must pay dam (fines).
Implementation of Pilgrimage (Hajj Manasik)

Hajj Manasik ordinances are as follows:
1. Do Ihram from predetermined mîqât

Ihram can be started from the beginning of Shawwal by sunna bath, purification ritual, wearing ihram clothes, and intends hajj with Labbaik saying Allahumma hajjan, which means "I came to meet the summons O God, for the pilgrimage".
Then go to Arafat by reading chanting to express intentions:

Labbaik Allahumma labbaik, syarîka laka labbaik He labbaik, inna al-hamda, ni'mata wa wa laka al-mulk, la syarîka laka


I come O God, I come to meet your call; I came, no partner for you, I come; Surely all praise, all the pleasures, and the whole kingdom, is owned by you; no partner for You.

2. Standing at Arafat

Held on 9 Dhul-Hijjah, the time begins after the sun slips until the day dawn Nahar (day of slaughtering the sacrifice) on 10 Dhul-Hijjah.
When Standing, there are some things to do, namely: prayer and taqdim plural-ashar qashar noon, prayer, remembrance together, reading the Qur'an, prayer and taqdim plural-maghrib qashar evening.
3. Mabit in Muzdalifah, Mecca

Time just after midnight until before dawn. Here take a number of pebbles or 49 grains to 70 grains jumrah throw in Mina, and perform prayers at the beginning of time, followed by leaving for Mina. Then stop briefly at masy'ar al-Haram (the sacred monument) or Muzdalifah for the remembrance of Allah SWT (Surah 2: 198), and doing morning prayers when the dawn.
4. Throwing jumrah 'Aqabah

Carried out on the hill 'Aqabah, on 10 Dhul-Hijjah, with 7 grains of gravel, then slaughtering sacrificial animals.
5. Tahalul

Tahalul is innocent of hajj pilgrimage after doing the practices of the pilgrimage.
Tahalul beginning, carried out after throwing jumrah 'aqobah, by way of shaving / cutting hair at least 3 pieces.
After tahalul, may wear ordinary clothes and do all acts that are prohibited during ihram, except have sex.

For those who want to carry on the day ifâdah tawaf can directly go to Mecca for the taw. By reading chanting into the Grand Mosque through Babussalam (door greeting) and do tawaf. Disunahkan tawaf finished kissing the Black Stone (black stone), then 2 cycles sunna prayers near the tomb of Abraham, in Multazam pray, and pray sunna 2 cycles of Hijr Ismail (all in the Grand Mosque complex).

Then do sa'i between Safa and Marwa hills, starting from Mount Safa and Mount Marwa ending in. Then proceed with the second tahalul, namely shaving / cutting hair at least 3 pieces.
Thus, all acts that are prohibited during the ihram been abolished, so that everything returns to be lawful.
Next return to Mina before sunset to Mabit there.
6. Mabit in Mina

Tasyrik held on (day of what is forbidden to fast), ie on 11, 12, and 13 Dhul-Hijjah. Every day during those days was throwing tasyrik Ula jumrah, wustâ, and 'Aqabah, each 7 times.

For those who want nafar awwal (leave Mina on the 12th Dhul-Hijjah after jumrah afternoon), throwing jumrah conducted on 11 and 12 Dhul-Hijjah only. But for those who want or nafar sani nafar end (leave Mina on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah after jumrah afternoon), throwing jumrah conducted for three days (11, 12, and 13 Dhul-Hijjah).
With the completion of the finished jumrah throwing the entire chain of activities and return pilgrimage to Mecca.
7. Tawaf ifâdah

For those who do not perform tawaf ifâdah while in Mecca, it must do tawaf ifâdah and sa'i. Then do tawaf Farewell 'before leaving Mecca to return home to areas of origin.

Umrah means to visit or pilgrimage. Everyone who is obliged to do Hajj Umrah, the act of worship which is the unity of the pilgrimage. Implementation of Umrah is based on the word of God in surah Al-Baqarah: 196 which means "And complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allah ..."

Concerning Umrah law, there are some differences of opinion. According to Imam Shafi'i is obligatory. According to the Maliki and Hanafi legal mu'akkad sunna (sunna which overlooked).
Umra compulsory for every Muslim is only 1 time only, but many do umrah also preferred, especially if done in the month of Ramadan. This is based on the hadith of the Prophet narrated by Imam Muslim which means "Umrah in Ramadan is equal to the hajj once".
Implementation Umrah

The procedure for the umrah service are: bath, purification ritual, dressed in ihram mîqât, sunna prayers ihram 2 cycles, the intention of 'Umrah and read Labbaik Allah' umrat (an) (I come to meet your call, O God, for 'Umrah), reading, chanting and prayer, entering the Grand Mosque, tawaf, sa'i, and tahalul.
Terms, Pillars, and the Compulsory Umrah

Requirements to perform umrah is equal to the requirement of doing the pilgrimage. The pillars of Umrah are:

1. Ihram
2. Tawaf
3. Sa'i
4. Shaving the head or cutting hair
5. Order, carried out in sequence

Meanwhile, only one mandatory umrah, ie Ihram from mîqât.
Prohibition in the Hajj and Umrah

The things that should not be done by people who already wear ihram clothes and was about to perform the Hajj / Umrah are:

1. Sexual intercourse or anything that may lead to acts of sexual
2. Behave abominably and immoral
3. Arguing with others
4. Seamless clothes (for men)
5. Wearing perfume
6. Wearing khuff (socks or shoes that cover the ankles)
7. Perform the ceremony
8. Trimming nails
9. Shaving or hair pulling
10. Wearing clothes that have soaked in fragrance
11. Killing animals
12. Meat-eating animals

Kinds of Hajj
1. Haji ifrâd

Hajj is ifrâd distinguish the Umrah pilgrimage. Hajj and Umrah their own work. Implementation, made the pilgrimage first, only after doing 'Umrah. Everything is still in the month of pilgrimage.

How to implementation are:
a. mîqât Ihram of Hajj with the intention of
b. Ihram from mîqât with the intention of Umrah
2. Hajj tamattu '

Haji tamattu 'is doing' Umrah in the month prior pilgrimage, just after the hajj.
People who perform Hajj tamattu 'must pay hadyu (fines), by slaughtering a goat. If not able to be replaced by fasting for 10 days, ie 3 days while still in the holy land, and 7 days after returning to the ground water.

How to implementation are:
a. Ihram from mîqât with the intention of Umrah
b. perform Hajj after implementing all the practices Umrah
3. Hajj Qiran

Qiran is to perform Hajj pilgrimage and Umrah together. Thus, all practices are included in umrah pilgrimage practices.

How to implementation are:
a. Ihram from mîqât with the intention of Hajj and Umrah at the same time
b. do the whole pilgrimage practices
The practices of Hajj and Umrah
1. Mîqât

Mîqât is the limit time and place to do Hajj and Umrah. Mîqât of mîqât Zamani and mîqât Makani.

Mîqât Zamani is when the pilgrimage was not implemented.
Based on the consensus of the scholars who come from the Prophet Muhammad's sunna, Zamani mîqât fell on Shawwal, Zulkaidah, up to the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah.

Mîqât Makani is from a place where the pilgrimage was not implemented.
Places to mîqât Makani is:

* Zulhulaifah or Bir-Ali (450 km from Makkah) for those who come from the direction of Medina
* Al-Juhfah or Rabiq (204 km from Makkah) for those who come from the direction of Syria, Egypt, and the lands of the Maghrib
* Yalamlan (a mountain located 94 km south of Mecca) for those who come from the direction of Yemen
* Qarnul Manazir (94 km east of Mecca) for those who come from the direction of Nejd
* Zatu Irqin (94 km east of Mecca) for those who come from the direction of Iraq

2. Ihram

Ihram is the intention of pilgrimage or Umrah Ihram and wear.
For men, ihram clothes are two items of clothing did not seam to close the upper body and another to cover the bottom of the body. Head uncovered and wearing footwear that did not close my eyes feet.
For women, ihram clothing is cloth that covers the seamless whole body except the face.

Ihram is Sunnah to cut nails, mustaches, underarm hair, pubic hair, and bath. Then the sunna prayers ihram 2 cycles (before Ihram), reading, chanting, peace, and seek forgiveness (after the pilgrimage starts).
3. Tawaf

Tawaf around the Kaaba is as much as 7 times, starting from the direction parallel to the black stone and the Kaaba was always there on the left (rotates counterclockwise).
Terms tawaf is:

1. Holy of major impurity, a small impurity, and unclean
2. Closes genitalia
3. Doing round 7 times in a row
4. Start and end tawaf in place parallel to the Black Stone
5. Kaaba is always on the left side
6. Bertawaf outside the Kaaba

While the sunna tawaf is:

1. Facing the Black Stone when he began tawaf
2. On foot
3. al-idtibâ, which is placed mid ihram cloth under his right armpit and ends on the left shoulder
4. Black Stone or touch signal when starting tawaf
5. Intentions.
Intention to tawaf contained in the Hajj is not obligatory because the ruling was contained in his intention intentions hajj pilgrimage, but if it was not in the tawaf pilgrimage, then the law becomes mandatory tawaf intentions, as in tawaf Farewell 'and tawaf vows.
6. Achieving Yemeni Corner (on lap-7) and kissing or touching the Black Stone
7. Multiply prayer and remembrance for the tawaf
8. Order, carried out in sequence

Tawaf kinds are:

Tawaf ifâdah
Tawaf for Hajj along the left when the Hajj becomes invalid.
Tawaf ziyârah
Tawaf visits, often also called tawaf Arrival, which is performed tawaf arriving in the city of Mecca.
Tawaf sunna
Tawaf which can be done anytime.
Farewell Tawaf '
Farewell Tawaf, ie tawaf performed before leaving Mecca after completing a whole series of pilgrimage.

4. Sa'i

Sa'i was walking from Mount Safa to Mount Marwa as much as 7 times.
Sa'i requirements are:

1. The whole journey is complete sa'i, there should be no space left
2. Starting from Safa and end at Marwa
3. Performed after taw
4. Performed a total of 7 times travel

While the sunna in sa'i is:

1. Praying in between Safa and Marwa
2. In a state of purity and close the genitalia
3. Jogged between 2 pillars of green
4. Not crowded
5. On foot
6. Working in a row

5. Standing at Arafat

Wukud at Arafat is silent on the field since the sun slipped Arafat on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah until dawn on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah (the day Nahar), either in pure or impure.
Hajj without Standing invalid and must be repeated again the following year. This is based on Prophet Muhammad's hadith narrated by Abu Dawood:

Hajj is' Arafah, who arrived at night at Muzdalifah Mabit before dawn, he had the hajj.

When doing Standing, disunahkan for not fasting, facing the Qiblah, remembrance, read seek forgiveness, and pray. According to the history of Imam Ahmad, the Prophet praying while on the Day of `Arafah is:

There is no God except Allah, the One, no partner for Him, for his whole kingdom, to Him also all praise, in His hands all good, and He hath power over everything.

6. Throwing Jumrah

Jumrah Throwing a pebble is tossed into 3 pieces at stake, namely Ula, wustâ, and ukhrâ, each tosses 7. Jumrah throwing day began on 10 Dhul-Hijjah, the direction jumrah 'Aqabah or jumrah unsuccessful, and 2 or 3 days from the days tasyrik (11, 12, and 13 Dhul-Hijjah) 3 jumrah direction mentioned above.

When throwing jumrah disunahkan after sunrise. For those who may be weak or unable to do at night.
As for throwing jumrah on the other 3 days, should begin at the time the sun was beginning to fall to the west until sunset.
When throwing jumrah disunahkan:

1. Standing with the position of Mecca is to the left and Mina on the right
2. Raised his hand high for men
3. Reading interpretation when throwing the first stone

For someone who was unable to complete the pilgrimage by not doing Standing at Arafat, tawaf, or sa'i, whatever the cause, according to the opinion of those scholars tsb jumhur must slaughter a goat, cow, or camel on which he bertahalul.
If worship is worship compulsory, he had to making up the next year, but if not compulsory worship, he does not need to making up.
Haji and Haji Akbar Mabrur
Haji Akbar (major pilgrimage)

The term is called the hajj akbar Allah SWT says in surah At-Tauba: 3, which means:

And (this is) a proclamation from Allah and His Messenger to mankind on the day of the great pilgrimage, that Allah and His Messenger, free of idolaters ...

There are some scholars think about the great pilgrimage, the hajj akbar is:

* Standing on the day pilgrims at Arafat
* Hajj on Nahar
* Wukufnya pilgrimage Friday to coincide with the day
* Hajj itself and wukufnya at Arafat

But the most famous opinion was the opinion stating that the hajj is a pilgrimage to the great wukufnya falls on a Friday.

There is a big pilgrimage, there were pilgrims asgar (small pilgrimage) which is another term for 'Umrah.
Haji mabrur

Hajj pilgrimage mabrur is someone who the whole series of worship can be performed Hajj correctly, sincere, not mixed with sin, using a lawful fees, and most importantly, after the pilgrimage became a better person.

Reward for those who have mabrur pilgrimage is heaven. This is based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad are narrated by Abu Hurayrah, which means:

Umrah to the one next to 'Umrah is a sin between them, and the pilgrimage mabrur no other reward than Paradise (Bukhari and Muslim)

Dam (Fines)

Dam in the form of a slaughtered animal blood as karafat (ransom) for some offense committed while performing Hajj or Umrah. Type checkers are:

1. Dam tartîb
2. Dam takhyîr and taqdîr
3. Dam tartîb and ta'dîl
4. Dam takhyîr and ta'dîl

1. Dam tartîb

Tartîb Dam is when animals are slaughtered goats, but if not get a goat, to carry out 3-day fasting in the holy land, and 7 days after they have returned to my hometown.
People are required to pay for tartîb dams 9 things, namely:

1. Tammatu pilgrims'
2. Qiran pilgrims
3. No Standing at Arafat
4. No throwing jumrah that the 3
5. Not Mabit at Muzdalifah at night Nahar
6. Not Mabit in Mina during the night tasyrik
7. No Ihram from mîqât
8. Not doing tawaf Farewell '
9. Not walking distance to a vow to do the pilgrimage on foot

2. Dam takhyîr and taqdîr

Dam is takhyîr and taqdîr may choose to slaughter a goat, fasting, or charity to feed the poor people as much as 6 sa 3 '(1 sa' = 3.1 liters).
Dam this type worn for one of the following causes:

1. Revoking strands 3 or more consecutive
2. 3 cut nail or more
3. Dressed in a seamless
4. Cowl
5. Wearing perfume
6. Committing the act that became the introduction to the sexual act
7. Sexual intercourse between the first and tahalul second tahalul.

3. Dam tartîb and ta'dîl

Tartîb and ta'dîl Dam is the first time must slaughter a camel, if not able to be slaughtered cows, if not capable of also recently slaughtered goat tail 7.
If not get goats 7, the offender must buy food and the wherewithal for the poor in the holy land.
Dam this type of conduct imposed for violations of sexual relations.
4. Dam takhyîr and ta'dîl

Dam is takhyîr and ta'dîl may choose between 3 things are:

* Slaughtering animals that are hunted
* Purchase of food for animals and wherewithal tsb
* Fasting one day for every 1 Mud (5 / 6 liters)

This type worn Dam causes:

1. Damaging, hunting, or killing animals
2. Cut trees or remove the grass on the ground unlawful.

Time and place of slaughter dams

Time caused the slaughter of the dam breach is not to cancel or lose the pilgrimage must be made at the time the offender perform the Hajj. But for the dam breach caused by the resulting loss of pilgrimage, its implementation must be delayed until the time to do ihram when making up her pilgrimage.

While the slaughter and distribution of dams in the ground meat is forbidden.
For people who make the pilgrimage, preferably slaughter in Mina, while for those who perform Umrah, kill at Marwa.
Deputize Haji

Representative pilgrimage apply to someone who is able to perform hajj in terms of cost, but health is not possible, such as severe illness or old age.
In this case compulsory others to menghajikannya cost of the person concerned, provided that they will replace people who are on the pilgrimage to himself.
But if, after he recovered dihajikan people, according to Imam Shafi'i, he remains obliged to perform hajj.

Representative pilgrimage can also be done on people who have died, as long as they will be obliged pilgrim people, including a vow and not able to do it. This is based on the hadith narrated that a man came to Prophet Muhammad:

"My father is dead and he has an obligation pilgrimage, if I have to menghajikannya?" The Prophet SAW said, "What do you think if your father left the debt, whether you must pay for it?" The man answered, "Yes". The Prophet SAW said, "Berhajilah you to your father". (Narrated by Ibn Abbas RA)

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